Augmented Reality: The Future of Marketing


Ch. Siddharth Nanda


In today's cut throat competition it is imperative that the organizations strive hard for sustainable competitive advantage. To achieve it, one can't deny the importance of technology. Today where every one is trying to beat the other to position and better satisfy the needs of customers, it has been observed and strongly believed that organizations who tune themselves according to time and regularly upgrade their technologies do have a better edge.
Charles Darwin in his book named 'Origin of Species' which is based on the 'Theory of Evolution' mentioned,
"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change".
Augmented Reality is one of the latest technological advancement used by marketers to lure the consumers by creating an exceptional and exciting virtual world into the reality to better differentiate it from competitors and enhance customer experience. This article focuses on highlightlng the meaning and history of augmented reality; various National and International examples and strategies of augmented reality being used by marketers along with its fusure opportunities.
