Health Care Solid Waste Generation and Its Management in Hawassa Referral Hospital of Hawassa University, Southern, Ethiopia


Sisay Abebe
R. P. Raju
Gebeyew Berhanu


Background: Health-care waste is a by-product of health care services. Its poor management exposes health-care workers, waste handlers and the community to infections, toxic effects and injuries including damage to the environment.

Objectives: To assess present potential of generation of hazardous and non-hazardous wastes in the HURH in order to predict the future potential.

Methods and Materials: A waste generated daily in various wards of the Hawassa Referral Hospital was measured three times per day for two months using standard weighing scale. Various aspects of healthcare wastes' management was observed by the researchers. All 93 janitors were interviewed personally to assess their level of awareness about the risk of their exposure to the hazardous healthcare wastes and safe handling and disposal of the wastes. Printed questionnaire was also distributed among the janitors for this purpose. The study was conducted from December 20, 2013- March 15, 2014.

Results: All janitors (100%) agreed that improperly managed wastes could transmit infection to patients and 88 (94.62%) to janitors. All (100%) of the respondent reported that they did not have receive any guideline Document on health care most management Document in working area (Hospitals). 11(11.82%) of respondents reported that they had needle sharps injury in the preceding 12 months. All types of wastes collected three times a day by the janitors. And also segregation of wastes and treatment of infectious waste was absent in the hospital. The Average daily waste generated in the hospital was 286.92 kg/day; of which 170.435kg/day was non- hazardous and the rest116.84kg /day was hazardous High amount waste was generated from surgical (52.4 kg/day) and small amount of waste was generated from dentistry unit (3.7kg/day).

Conclusion and Recommendation: health care waste management practice in the hospital was unsatisfactory because of the lack of waste management of supervision and carelessness of patients, visitors, low awareness of janitors and health workers .therefore the hospital should develop the waste management supervision and strictly follow the National Health Care Waste Management guideline.
